03 Mar Fancy Strategy Day at Coastal Luxe

Fancy Team escapes to the beach to discuss purpose, our goals and staying relevant in a fast-moving industry
Last week we shut our St Kilda headquarters and took our team down to the wild and woolly St Andrews Beach on the Mornington Peninsula. As soon as we walked into Keryn’s beautiful beach house ‘Coastal Luxe’ we knew we were in for two invigorating days of immersion in Fancy business.
With a healthy dose of sea-breeze to clear the air, we had the opportunity to step back from our day-to-day tasks and reflect on our past whilst planning for the future. This included a workshop focusing on the brand, defining our presence within our market, and looking at what will sustain our relevancy. Another important component was learning and reflecting on ourselves – discussing the value each team member brings, and ways to improve, setting personal and professional goals. This enabled us to think about how and why we individually and collectively develop our purpose and how we find meaning.
It was an invaluable exercise for team building, further strengthening our ability to collaborate – a fundamental quality at Fancy Films and imperative in an increasingly disrupted cycle of technological first movers and fast-followers.
As the business propels into 2020 our Strategy Day allowed us to see how we stand out as an established player in the video production market. By redefining our purpose we strengthen our conviction to continue to attract the meaningful work we have built our reputation on.
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